Hi there! My name's

It's nice to *virtually* meet you.

I'm a bit of a logophile...
A lover of words, in all their subjective connotations, confusingly abstract translations, & heart-stirring history.
From the melodic & heart-stirring sounds of a Shakespearean Sonnet, to the precisely penned prose of greats like Aldous Huxley to Lilith Butler--
Words have the ability to transport us.
They have the power to heal and transform ourselves, from the inside out.
You teach your clients to rediscover & reconnect with the language of their soul...
... To learn to articulate their experience, & envision a world beyond self limiting beliefs, filled with balance, love and trust.
You help your clients reclaim their health - physical, mental, & emotional.

Reaching that place inside all of us that needs loving support and gentle guidance requires a highly trained intuitive skillset.
I'm here to serve as your consistently playful & results-oriented guide into the world of Copywriting and Inbound Marketing.
But we are strangers, and if I want you to feel comfortable reaching out to me, it only seems fair to share some fun facts!
Hopefully you'll have as much fun reading as I had writing them...
Marketing requires another.
Big Life Moments!
Don't Harsh My Vibe...
🎉2020: Certified Lvl 1 Clean Health Fitness Institute: Performance Nutrition Programming
🎉2020: Graduated Sarah Turner's Write Your Way to
Freedom Copywriting Course
🎉2018: Graduated Magna Cum Laude from the
University of Southern California's School of
Dramatic Arts ✌️
🎉2012: Received my 3rd Degree Black Belt in Tae
Kwon Do after 11 years (gotta start 'em young)!
I later practiced Krav Maga in LA [2015-2018].

🌱 Enneagram: equal parts Investigator (V) & Loyalist (VI)
🌱 Zodiac Signs: 🌞 Cancer 🌙 Capricorn ⬆️ Taurus
🌱 Myers Briggs: INFJ-T
Pastimes: 🔹 Daily Workouts that make me question my sanity; Hiking
🔹 Belting Postmodern Jukebox in the Car
🔹 Laughter-filled Meandering Conversation
🔹 Moments of True Connection
🔹 Feeling the Sun & Wind Dance over My Skin
Books: 🔹 The Indifferent Stars Above -- Daniel James Brown
🔹 Brave New World -- Aldous Huxley
🔹 Lilith's Brood -- Octavia Butler
🔹 Braving the Wilderness -- Brené Brown
Shows: 🔹 Sense8 🔹 Buffy 🔹 BSG
🔹Supernatural 🔹 Futureman
🔹 Rick & Morty 🔹 The Fall
Fan Favorites!